Wednesday, July 25, 2012


     If you haven't done so already, you should really check out this film that Noble, his brothers and friends did for the 48 Hour film festival in Asheville.

    I think it's pretty funny, and I guess so did a lot of other people too since it won fan favorite and best use of genre.

 And if that isn't enough of an incentive for you, just know that Noble, myself and Martha Rose all act in it.

    And because I can't make a post without including some pictures of Martha Rose, here she is cooling off in a store.

She really loved those fans!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pool Party!

    I don't know if you all are aware, but there's been a heat wave going on. So, being the thoughtful parents that we are, we went out and bought Martha Rose a kiddie pool. It was no easy feat, either. The first place we went to was completely sold out.
    But, we finally managed to get our hands on one and it's super cute, too! It's purple, shaped like a hippo and it sprays water into the pool. We showed it to our nephew, Gil, and he promptly proclaimed it to be a pool for babies. However, he gamely decided to put on his bathing suit and keep his little cousin company regardless.

    Unfortunately, one of us parents had to get into the pool with her (lest she tip over and under), and I ended up drawing the short straw. At least Martha Rose really seemed to enjoy it.

First we had to wait for the pool to fill up:

 Then it was time for us to hop in!
 It didn't take long for Martha Rose to start enjoying herself.
Noble and Gil took advantage of my vulnerable position by dumping cold water on my head. Repeatedly.

 Martha Rose decided to just kick back and relax.

 All in all, it was a nice little scene.
When it was time to dry off, she looked so cute in her little pig towel that I was forced to post more shots of her in it than were strictly necessary.

 Martha Rose wanted to show off her 2 piece to its best advantage:

 Please note, also, the matching bathrobe.
This was Gil's idea of posing with Martha Rose. I tried taking another picture, but he managed to hide his face even more. 

Well, that's all for now! I hope you all found ways to beat the heat as well. 

Until next time!


Sunday, July 8, 2012

4th of July

Hello All,

This week marked Martha Rose's very first 4th of July! It was a small gathering at my sister-in-law Ellen's house, with only about 25-30 people. Honestly, the Robinettes don't really do small gatherings, it's either go big or go home. Sadly, it was too dry for fireworks, but we did get to light up some sparklers and there was plenty of good food, good music and good company to go around.

Now, onto the pictures!

Martha Rose was in a good mood all day:
 Here she is sitting up all by herself!
 Ellen set up a little pool for all the kids. Martha took advantage of it immediately.
 She got to show off her new bathing suit that her Tia Stephanie got her.
 and the swimming cap that Ellen and my niece Nola got her:
Here she is eating a shark....
... and here she is being a shark. I can't stand how adorable this bathrobe is. Our friend Rachel from New York got it for her. She said that she wanted to give her something that was cute but also fierce. I think she nailed it.
Her 4th of July outfit was meant to look like this little number that Noble wore as a baby:

My brother-in-law Martin went the extra mile and made this photo-shop. Isn't it amazing? They are practically twins! Good job, Martin! I think it might be my new favorite.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Better Late Than Never

Hello All!
     I've been planning on starting this blog ever since I found out I was pregnant, but what with moving to Tennessee and finishing up my thesis, one thing led to another and Martha Rose is now 6 months old. Oh well, like the title says, better late than never.
    Hopefully, this blog will be your one-stop shop for anything Martha: pictures, news and fun facts, with maybe a little Noble and Claudia updates thrown in for good measure. I'll try and update at least once a week, and more often if I get the chance. I can't make any promises about the writing, but the pictures sure will be cute (even if I do say so myself).

To kick off the news portion of this little shindig, Martha has just started eating real food! And she's....not thrilled. It has been about two weeks now, and what turned out to be a lackluster start has developed into an outright refusal to even open her mouth.
     Still, I'm hopeful. I've always said that one of my major campaigns as a parent will be making sure she's an adventurous eater. This has meant more than I initially bargained for. I realized that if I plan on insisting that Martha Rose eats things she isn't sure about, that I'd have to bite the bullet and do the same thing myself. So I'm working on broadening my own horizons. Last week I tried pickled mushrooms (not bad) and I'm working really hard on my aversion to onions (slow going. They are still gross). Maybe by the time she's aware of what I'm eating, I'll be digging into all sorts of stuff. It's actually kind of exciting.

     Anyway, for the time being, it looks like I've got my work cut out for me. Oh well. Too bad, Martha Rose! I won't give up! I will prevail!!!!

But enough of that, now onto the main event: Pictures of Martha Rose :)

Her first bite of avocado:
She is not convinced:
Martha Rose does not like barley cereal:
Why are you doing this to me?

Noble can still get her to smile:

She has this spoon-thingy figured out:

Well, almost: